In 2011 our sisters founded a community in Chihangu , a very poor region on the Makonde plateau that is still without electricity.
More and more children are filling the kindergarten in Chihangu . In the beginning there were 50 children, now there are around 120 children, so that a second group has been opened. Here in the kindergarten, as in all kindergartens in the congregation, the children receive a corn porridge, for many the first meal of the day.
Many children are waiting for help. The need is great and can be seen in the visible signs of hunger, especially drastic in the hunger bellies of the children.

The sisters take care of the poorest, bring food and medicine and help where the need is greatest.
In this very poor area in particular, the children benefit from our “Educational Sponsorship” project. You will receive the kindergarten uniforms sewn in our sewing schools free of charge. This means that children from poor backgrounds also have the opportunity to attend kindergarten. Children and young people in Tanzania are only allowed to attend kindergarten and school if they have the kindergarten and school uniforms prescribed by the government. In Chihangu, too, the poor receive support with food or help when something needs to be repaired at the house.
The aspirants, young women who orient themselves and are interested in religious life, also live with the sisters in Chihangu.